All About the Software-Defined Perimeter: Deployment, Advantages, and Use Cases

The software-defined perimeter of the network is a key element of company cybersecurity. To this end, a system manager generally sets up a demilitarized zone and border router and implements a Firewall, VPN, ID, and other typical security software.
This traditional methodology is still reliable, but not fully protected. The network boundary itself is one of the main challenges. This perimeter encompasses on-premise and cloud services, solutions for SaaS, IaaS or PaaS, local and remote links, mobile and IoT devices, etc. for a large enterprise.

Visibility and accessibility were the basis for the perimeter strategy. If you can not see a resource from an external entity in the network, you cannot acquire access. As a result, exterior entities seem to be blocking while internal entities seem to pass. But it only worked to some extent. Really, it is always possible to penetrate the fixed network border; it is only a matter of time and it’s possible with a person with sufficient skill.
What is Software Defined Perimeter?
The software-defined perimeter is a secure framework for network access for the micro-segment, depending on work carried out in the US Defense Department. A software-defined perimeter provides one-to-one network links between the client and the resources he or she accesses.
Three fundamental pillars form a software-defined perimeter:
- Identity-centered – it is user-identity-centered, not IP.
- Zero Trust — It uses micro-segmentation to implement the network's lowest-privileged concept. The assault surface is reduced completely.
- Cloud-built — Designing to work in cloud networks.
It assures that all endpoints trying to access a certain infrastructure are verified and licensed before they can access any system resources. All unlawful network resources will not be authorized. Not only does it apply the idea of the network's least privilege, but it also decreases the attack area by hiding network resources from unauthorized or unverified users.
Software-Defined Perimeter Deployment
As a single on-site solution or as a cloud service, a software-defined perimeter can be used. Deployment models rely on the choice:
- The SDP connection participant kinds (only devices, only servers, or devices, and servers)
- Load of the kind of services you are accessing.
- Linked devices on areas of the network.
There are four major SDP deployment models available:
- Client-server: A SDP-protected server works as an Approved Host in the client-server model.
- Server–server: As the name implies, this SDP paradigm is utilized to communicate between server and server. Initiation and Accepting Servers are utilized in this approach both as hosts.
- Client–gateway: An Acceptance Host is a gateway to a secure server in this kind of SDP scheme. This is the most typical style of deployment as one host for numerous resources can be created.
- Client-server–client: This SDP paradigm enables customers to share their resources in a peer-to-peer network. Clients can initiate and approve hosts in the same way as the servers of the previous model. The SDP covers connected clients' IP addresses.
How does a Software-Defined Perimeter work?
With an SDP, unless permitted to connect to a server, technically it should not be possible. SDPs permit user access only after 1) user identification verification and 2) device status assessment.
The SDP establishes a data connection between that device and the site that it intends to access when the user and the device are authorizing. An authorized user is not logged into a bigger network but is granted a personal network connection, which nobody else can access, and which comprises only the services to which the user can access.
Imagine an internet-connected web server that doesn't accept any requests. It does not handle requests or send answers; it does not have open ports or network access, even if it is connected to the Internet (something like a toaster or a bulb that is connected but is disabled to prevent the streaming of power). This is the basic server status within a given boundary of the software.
Another way for Software-Defined Architecture is to visualize a locked front door. No one can go through or even see inside the door until a visitor checks which one is and what they are doing on the other part of the door.
Software-Defined Perimeter's Pros and Cons
Some people think an SDP is capable of replacing basic cybersecurity tools such as a VPN and a firewall. However, the way to success rests in combining the tried and tested ways in our experience. We've utilized a VPN to encrypt the connection between clients and hosts, for example, during a recent SDP project.
An SDP's main benefit is the high level of security of the network. Three hackathons with considerable financial awards have been hosted in the Cloud Security Alliance to compromise perimeter protection in the software.
It has been proved that this cybersecurity technology protects company networks from the mentioned attacks:
- Denial of Service (DoS): Services with unverified requests in this type of attack are overburdened. An anonymous user cannot connect to a server with an SDP.
- Attack with Brute Force: It is almost hard to brute force multi-factor authentication to enter the system.
- Password stealing: An SDP not only employs credentials but also other data for devices and people authenticating. While logins and passwords can be intercepted, it is almost impossible to obtain all the credentials necessary for an SDP for authentication.
- Man in the middle (MITM): A hacker defeats communication between a client and an application in order to carry out a MITM attack. With a dynamical encryption channel, all communication is disguising so that a hacker can't stop it.
- Operation of servers: Hackers need to connect to it to use a server. Due to multi-factor authentication, hackers cannot connect to servers with SDP. Also, it is impossible to connect from outside the network, as the IP address and port of the server.
- Hijacking of the session: It is not possible to remove a session key, because a periodic TLS channel generation is the SDP controller.
- Compromising gateway: The complex authentication and access protocols in an SDP make it difficult to attack a gateway. But, hackers can only access that pass if the gateway is hijacked. You cannot connect within the network to other resources.
Advantages of Software Defined Perimeter
- The Policy Execution of Zero Trust: Until an SDP controller identifies it, no device or user will be trusted. Dynamic and encrypted connections between users and resources.
- Granular Resources Accessibility: A SDP controller only links users to a resource if they have authorization for use in access. Accessibility for a certain position, group of users or a single user may be restricted.
- Hidden Ensemble Resources: An SDP can encrypt any outside information, especially DNS server information. Only those resources to which only verified visitors can access – all others are protecting the resources.
- Flexible and scalable: A software-defined perimeter is easier to add a new tool (application, server, database, etc.) because you can just add this to an existing Accepting Host. You will need to add the resource to any cybersecurity solutions used in the standard perimeter safety pattern.
- Extensibility: An SDP is the composition of standard components like reciprocal TLS and VPNs. The synchronization with other conventional security systems is easy.
- A Range of Devices Support (Including IoT): SDP secures connections to any sort of device by employing credentials from a set of data (not just a pair of passwords).
- Data transmission encrypted: The TLS, SAML, or x.509 are all encrypted connections between hosts and controllers.
- The reduced surface area of network assault: An SDP limits wide network access and distorts hackers' company resources. Hackers find it exceedingly difficult to attack something they don't know.
Disadvantages of Software Defined Perimeter
- Vulnerability of the controller: Controllers play an important feature in an SDP design by connecting devices to secure resources. When controls are unavailable, a link to resources cannot be established.
- SDP deployment network interruption: An SDP differs a great deal from conventional network security checks. Integrating an SDP solution in large firms might result in network and infrastructure outages, as all devices and applications need to be reconfigured.
- Configuration management updates: System administrators will spend a lot of time upgrading all apps and resources to make them informed of and use a single release of the SDP solution.
- Limitations of the device: It may be difficult to link old routers or vendor-specific devices with the SDP software despite the support of many contemporary devices.
Cloud And Mobile Workforce Environmental Changes
Looking at the way networking works now and the changing structures of traffic; the effects of the fixed perimeter limitation to both the inner and the cloud. At present, we have a very smooth, multi-point network perimeter.
Suppose a castle is used to get access to a gatehouse. It was easy to enter the gatehouse because we just needed one guard to pass it. In and out there was just one way. Today, however, we have so many small doors and ways in this digital world that we have to secure them individually. This results in the deployment and change in perimeter placement of cloud-based app services. The current networking devices for the perimeter are, therefore, placed topologically. All that is essential nowadays, for example, is external to the perimeter of remote access employees, SaaS, IaaS, PaaS.
Users need access to resources in numerous cloud services wherever the resources are located, leading to multi-cloud systems that are complex to administer. Users don't care where programs are located and should not care. You only need access to the application. In addition, the rising use of mobile employees requiring access from different devices at all times has pushed companies to help these vibrant employees. In this scenario, Instasafe will help you out. Let’s see, what is Instasafe and how it can help you.
How a Software-Defined Perimeter is Related to Zero Trust Security?
As the term suggests, zero-trust security is not very reliable; by default, no individual, device, or network is reliable. Reliability of Zero Trust is a security model requiring tight identity verification for all persons and devices wanting to acquire internal resources, regardless of whether inside or beyond the network (or, the software-defined perimeter).
One approach to ensure 0% confidence is an SDP. Before they may connect, users and devices must be validated and only have minimal network access. No device, not even a laptop CEO, may make a network connection to an unlicensed resource.
About Instasafe
Established in 2012, InstaSafe is a premier cloud-based security as a service company with a staff of more than 100 people who spent years in cybersecurity. InstaSafe is presented as an SDP Zero Trust provider considered by Gartner and seeks to make the Internet secure, connected, and open through the removal of holes in conventional network and security solutions. InstaSafe enables companies to make their digital transformation journey through the security, pleasant experience, and low risk of corporate applications to consumers worldwide.
As per Deloitte Fast 50, we are the 17th fastest-growing company in India and a 4-time winner in CI O Choice Awards of the Best Cloud Security Vendor, in addition to an active Cloud Alliance member (CSA). InstaSafe® is a trusted product of over 100 companies throughout the world. InstaSafe enables clients to connect to their own resources, smoothly and smoothly, at any time in the world, using a simple, user-friendly layout.
Features of Instasafe
- Makes your hidden and available to authorized users only, based on SDP Zero Trust principles.
- Support for cloud applications and internal applications [O365, G-Suite, SAP, AWS, Salesforce, Google Cloud, Azure, Zoho Suite].
- Multi platform support [Windows / Mac/ Linux /Android/iOS]
- Moreover, support of many local data centers and worldwide data centers.
- Coordinated and integrated adaptive MFA with contextual authentication by end-user
- Geofencing and Geolocation.
- Checks for host and device [10 + Settings: OS, MAC, UUID, AV, Serial No].
- Allows AD/SAML integration with [ArcSight, Qradar, Splunk Integration] Leading SIEMs and more
- Access to RDP and SSH
- Remove Multiple SSO Integrated Applications Clipboard Access/Screen Capture/Screen Record
Instasafe’s USP: InstaSafe's Zero Trust solutions ensure key assets for other enterprises. In contrast, Instasafe's solutions comply with SDP NIST Architecture and the Cloud Security Alliance Architecture Guidelines, including independent control, information, and access levels, as well as single packet permission for other services in the same space.
Visit us here to know more.
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