Using Hardware MFA to Secure Your Web Apps

Using Hardware MFA to Secure Your Web Apps
Using Hardware MFA to Secure Your Web Apps - InstaSafe

Protecting online accounts is essential, and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) offers robust security by requiring multiple identity verification methods.

These typically include something you know (password), have (phone or security device) and are (biometric). MFA combines these elements to significantly enhance account security, making unauthorised access difficult even if a password is compromised.

This topic explores hardware MFA, a specialised form of protection that utilises physical devices for added security.

What is Hardware MFA?

Hardware MFA, also known as hard token authentication, is a specific type of MFA that uses a physical device as the second factor. This device is often called a hardware MFA device or a hardware token. It's a small, portable gadget that generates unique codes or signals to prove that you are who you say you are when logging into an account.

What is a Hard Token?

The concept of a "hard token" in the context of MFA refers to these physical devices. Unlike "soft tokens," which are typically software-based (like authenticator apps on your smartphone), hard tokens are tangible objects you can hold in your hand. This physical nature is what gives hardware MFA its unique security advantages.

Types of Hardware MFA Devices

Hardware TOTP Token

TOTP stands for Time-based One-Time Password. These devices display a number that changes every 30 or 60 seconds. When you log in, you enter this number along with your password. A hardware TOTP token is a specific type of hard token that generates these time-based codes.

USB Security Keys

These look like small USB drives. When you log in, you connect them to the USB port on your computer. Their simplicity of use resulted in a growing popularity for this kind of hardware MFA device.

NFC Tokens

These work with phones that have NFC (Near Field Communication). You tap the token against your phone to log in. NFC tokens are another form of hardware MFA device that offers convenience for mobile users.

Bluetooth Tokens

These connect to your device using Bluetooth technology. Like other hardware MFA devices, they provide a secure second factor for authentication.

How Does Hardware MFA Work?

Let's walk through a typical login process using hardware MFA:

  • You visit a website and enter your credentials.
  • The website asks for your second factor - in this case, your hardware token.
  • If you're using a hardware TOTP token, you look at the device and enter the code it's displaying.
  • If you're using a USB, NFC, or Bluetooth token, you plug it in or tap it against your device.
  • The website checks that the code or signal from your hardware token is correct.
  • If everything checks out, you're logged in!

This technique shows how hard token authentication secures username and password logins. If someone steals your password, they can't access your account without your hardware MFA.

Why Use Hardware MFA?

You might be wondering, "Why should I bother with hardware MFA?" Here are some compelling reasons:

Stronger Security

Hardware MFA is generally considered more secure than other forms of MFA, like SMS codes or authenticator apps. This is because:

  • The codes or signals generated by hardware tokens are harder to intercept or copy.
  • Hardware MFA devices can't be hacked remotely like a phone or computer might be.
  • They're not vulnerable to SIM-swapping attacks, which can affect SMS-based MFA.
  • Hard token authentication provides a physical barrier that's difficult for remote attackers to overcome.

Protection Against Phishing

Malicious actors use phishing to get your login information on a fake website. Hardware MFA can help protect against this because:

  • The codes from hardware TOTP tokens change quickly, so even if someone sees your code, it won't work for long.
  • USB, NFC and Bluetooth tokens often check the website's address, so they won't work on fake sites.
  • Hardware MFA devices don't reveal any long-term secrets during the authentication process, making them resistant to phishing attacks.

No Batteries Required (Usually)

Many hardware tokens don't need batteries or charging. They can last for years without needing any maintenance. This longevity is a significant advantage of hardware MFA devices over software-based alternatives.

Works Without Phone Signal

Unlike SMS-based MFA, hardware tokens work even when you don't have a phone signal or internet connection. This reliability is a key benefit of hard token authentication.

Compliance with Security Standards

Many industries have strict security regulations. Using hardware MFA can help businesses comply with these standards, as it's often recognised as a strong form of authentication.

Implementing Hardware MFA for Web Apps

If you're a developer or a business owner wanting to add hardware MFA to your web app, here's a simple overview of how to do it:

Choose a Hardware MFA Standard

The most popular standard for hardware MFA is called FIDO2 (Fast Identity Online). It's supported by many big tech companies and works with a wide range of hardware tokens. When selecting hardware MFA devices for your system, look for ones that are FIDO2 certified.

Update Your Login System

You'll need to update your app's login system to support hardware MFA. This usually involves:

  • Adding a step in the login process to ask for the second factor.
  • Implementing the logic to check the hardware token's response.
  • Updating your user database to store information about which users have set up hardware MFA.
  • Ensuring your system can handle different types of hardware MFA devices, including hardware TOTP tokens and USB security keys.

Offer User Setup

Provide a way for users to set up their hardware tokens. This might include:

  • Instructions on how to buy a compatible hardware MFA device.
  • A setup process in your app where users can register their token.
  • Options to manage or remove their token if needed.
  • Clear guidance on how to use different types of hard tokens, including hardware TOTP tokens and USB keys.

Provide Fallback Options

It's a good idea to have backup options in case a user loses their hardware token. This might include:

  • Allowing the use of backup codes.
  • Offering alternative MFA methods like authenticator apps.
  • Having a secure process for users to prove their identity and reset their MFA.
  • Consider providing loaner hardware MFA devices for users who have lost theirs.

Test Thoroughly

Before rolling out hardware MFA, test it extensively with various types of hardware tokens and in different scenarios. This includes testing:

  • The initial setup process
  • Regular login flows
  • What happens when a user loses their token
  • How the system handles attempts to use an incorrect or unregistered token

Challenges of Hardware MFA


Hardware tokens cost money, which can be a barrier for some users or businesses. The price of hardware MFA devices can vary widely, from relatively inexpensive USB keys to more expensive hardware TOTP tokens with digital displays.

Physical Management

Users need to keep track of a physical device, which can be lost or damaged. This is a key difference between hardware MFA and software-based methods.

User Education

Some users might find hardware tokens confusing or intimidating at first. It's important to provide clear instructions and support, especially for less tech-savvy users who might be unfamiliar with concepts like hard token authentication.


Not all devices support all types of hardware tokens. For example, some computers don't have NFC capabilities, which could limit the use of certain hardware MFA devices.

Integration Complexity

For developers, integrating support for various types of hardware MFA devices can be complex. Each type of token (USB, NFC, Bluetooth, hardware TOTP) may require different implementation approaches.

Best Practices for Using Hardware MFA

If you're implementing or using hardware MFA, here are some tips to get the most out of it:

Use It Everywhere You Can

Enable hardware MFA on all your important accounts that support it, not just one or two. This consistent use of hard token authentication across your accounts provides comprehensive security.

Keep Your Token Safe

Treat your hardware token like a key to your house - keep it in a safe place, and don't let others use it. Remember, the security of hardware MFA relies on the physical device remaining in your possession.

Have a Backup

Consider having a spare hardware MFA device in case you lose your main one. Also, make sure you know the account recovery process for each service you use. Some services allow you to register multiple hardware tokens for this reason.

Stay Updated

Keep an eye out for updates or recalls related to your hardware token. Like any technology, they can sometimes have security flaws that need fixing. This is especially important for more complex hardware MFA devices like those with displays or biometric capabilities.

Combine with Other Security Measures

Hardware MFA is great, but it works best as part of a larger security strategy. Use strong, unique passwords and keep your devices updated too. Remember, hard token authentication is an additional layer of security, not a replacement for other good practices.

Choose the Right Type for Your Needs

Different types of hardware MFA devices suit different use cases. For example, a hardware TOTP token might be great for accessing your work accounts, while a USB security key could be more convenient for your personal laptop.

The Future of Hardware MFA

As online security becomes more important, hardware MFA is likely to become more common. Here are some trends to watch:

Biometric Hardware Tokens

Some newer hardware tokens include fingerprint readers, combining "something you have" with "something you are" for even stronger security. These advanced hardware MFA devices offer an extra layer of protection.

Integration with Everyday Devices

We might see hardware MFA capabilities built into things we already carry, like watches or car keys. This could make hard token authentication even more convenient and widespread.

Passwordless Login

Some experts think hardware tokens might eventually replace passwords entirely, leading to logins that are both more secure and easier to use. This could revolutionise how we think about authentication and make hardware MFA devices an essential part of our digital lives.

Increased Standardisation

As hardware MFA becomes more common, we're likely to see increased standardisation. This could make it easier for businesses to implement hardware MFA and for users to use their hardware tokens across different services.

Enhanced Mobile Integration

Future hardware MFA devices might offer better integration with mobile devices, potentially making NFC and Bluetooth tokens more prevalent. This could make hard token authentication even more convenient for mobile users.


Hardware MFA is a powerful tool for securing your web apps and online accounts. While it does require a bit more setup and management than other forms of MFA, the extra security it provides can be well worth it, especially for high-value accounts or sensitive data.

As a user, consider getting a hardware MFA device for your most important accounts. Whether you choose a hardware TOTP token, a USB security key, or another type of hard token, you'll be significantly enhancing your online security.

With InstaSafe, you can seamlessly implement hard token authentication across your web applications, ensuring that only authorised users with verified hardware tokens can access sensitive data and critical systems. Our platform seamlessly integrates hardware MFA devices, providing your organisation with the highest level of security while maintaining ease of use for your employees and customers.