What is API Authentication and Authorisation?

What is API Authentication and Authorisation?
What is API Authentication and Authorisation?

APIs are essential for software programs to interact and exchange data. However, with the increasing number of cyberattacks targeting APIs, it's more important than ever to understand and implement proper security measures. 

Two fundamental concepts in API security are authentication and authorisation. In this article, we'll explore what API authentication is, why it's important, and the various methods used to protect APIs from unauthorised access.

What is API Authentication?

The process of confirming the identity of a person, system, or application trying to use an API is known as API authentication. The authentication procedure makes sure the user is who they say they are when a client application wants to connect to an API. This crucial step acts as a gatekeeper, allowing only verified users to access the API and its resources.

API authentication is a basic security measure. It protects sensitive data and restricts API access to authorised users. By providing strong authentication techniques, developers can greatly enhance the safety of their APIs and protect them from many forms of assaults. 

The Importance of API Authorisation

While authentication verifies the user identity, authorisation determines what actions or resources the authenticated user is allowed to access. Following a successful authentication process, authorisation guarantees that users can only access or conduct activities for which they are authorised.

For example, in a social media platform, authentication would verify that a user is who they claim to be, while authorisation would determine whether that user has the right to view certain posts, edit their profile, or perform administrative actions.

Benefits of API Authentication and Authorisation

Implementing proper API authentication and authorisation offers several key benefits:

  1. Enhanced Security: By verifying user identities and controlling access, API authentication and authorisation form a crucial layer of defence against unauthorised access.
  2. Data Protection: By restricting who can access and modify data by the API to authorised users only, these security measures help protect sensitive data.
  3. Compliance: Many industries have regulatory requirements regarding data protection and access control. Proper API authentication and authorisation help organisations meet these compliance standards.
  4. User Trust: When users know their data is protected by robust security measures, it increases their trust in the application or service.
  5. Granular Access Control: Authorisation allows for fine-grained control over what actions users can perform, enabling more sophisticated and secure application designs.
  6. Improved Auditability: Authentication and authorisation mechanisms make it easier to track and log user actions, which is crucial for security audits and troubleshooting.

Common API Authentication Methods

There are several methods for implementing API authentication, each with its own strengths and ideal use cases. Let's explore some of the most common approaches in detail:

Basic Authentication

Basic authentication is one of the simplest forms of API authentication. Despite its simplicity, it's still widely used in certain scenarios.

How Basic Authentication Works:

  • The client sends a request with the authorisation header with the word "Basic" followed by a space and a base64-encoded string of "username:password".
  • The server decodes the credentials and verifies them against its user database.
  • If the credentials are valid, the server processes the request; otherwise, it returns an error.

Pros of Basic Authentication:

  • Simple to implement and understand
  • Widely supported by various tools and libraries
  • Works well for internal APIs or in development environments

Cons of Basic Authentication:

  • Less secure as credentials are sent with every request
  • Credentials are only encoded, not encrypted, making them vulnerable to interception if not used over HTTPS
  • No built-in mechanism for token expiration or revocation

Use Case: Basic authentication is suitable for internal APIs, development environments, or in situations where the communication channel is already secured (e.g., through HTTPS). 

Also Read: What is Basic Authentication?

API Key Authentication

API key authentication is a popular method that involves using a unique identifier (the API key) to authenticate requests. This method is widely used for public APIs and when tracking usage across different applications or users is necessary.

How API Key Authentication Works:

  • The API provider issues a unique API key to each client.
  • The client includes this key with each API request, typically in the request header or as a query parameter.
  • The server validates the API key before processing the request.

Pros of API Key Authentication:

  • Easy to implement and use
  • Allows for simple tracking and rate limiting of API usage
  • if hacked, readily revoked or regenerate

Cons of API Key Authentication:

  • If compromised, an API key can be used until it's revoked
  • Doesn't provide information about the specific user making the request
  • Can be challenging to manage for a large number of clients

Use Case: API key authentication is often used for public APIs, when you need to track usage across different applications or users, or for simple machine-to-machine communication.

Also Read: What is an API Key?

OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 is a widely adopted authorisation framework that enables third-party applications to access user resources without exposing the user's credentials. It's particularly useful for scenarios involving delegated access.

How OAuth 2.0 Works:

  • The user authenticates with an authorisation server and grants permission to the client application.
  • The client receives a token from the authorisation server.
  • This token is used by the client to get access to the resource server's protected resources.
  • After verifying the token, the resource server provides access to the requested resources.

Pros of OAuth 2.0:

  • Provides a safe and secure way for applications to access resources on behalf of users
  • Supports different grant types for various use cases (e.g., authorisation code, client credentials, refresh token)
  • Widely adopted and supported by major platforms and services
  • Allows for fine-grained access control and scoping of permissions

Cons of OAuth 2.0:

  • More complex to implement compared to simpler methods
  • Requires careful implementation to avoid security vulnerabilities
  • Can be overkill for simple APIs or internal services

Use Case: OAuth 2.0 is ideal for scenarios where third-party applications need to access user data, such as social media integrations, single sign-on systems, or when building an ecosystem of interconnected services.

JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are a small, secure URL-based representation of claims that can be shared between two parties. It's often used in combination with OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorisation.

How JWT Works:

  • After successful authentication, the server generates a JWT containing claims about the user.
  • The JWT is signed by the server and sent to the client.
  • The client includes the JWT in subsequent requests, typically in the authorisation header.
  • The server verifies the JWT's signature and extracts user information from it.

Pros of JWT:

  • Stateless authentication, reducing server-side storage requirements
  • Can contain user information, reducing the need for additional database queries
  • Suitable for use in distributed systems and microservices architectures
  • Can be used for both authentication and authorisation

Cons of JWT:

  • Tokens can become large if they contain a lot of claims
  • Revoking individual tokens can be challenging without additional infrastructure
  • If not implemented correctly, can be vulnerable to certain types of attacks

Use Case: JWTs are commonly used in modern web applications, especially those with microservices architectures or single-page applications. They're also useful for stateless authentication in RESTful APIs.

LDAP Authentication

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) authentication leverages existing directory services, such as Active Directory, for API authentication. This is useful in enterprise environments where a centralised user management system is already in place.

How LDAP Authentication Works:

  • The client provides credentials (usually username and password) to the API.
  • The API server validates these credentials against the LDAP server.
  • If successful, the API grants access to the requested resources.
  • Optional: The API may generate a token for subsequent requests to avoid repeated LDAP queries.

Pros of LDAP Authentication:

  • Integrates with existing enterprise directory services
  • Centralised user management
  • Supports single sign-on scenarios
  • Leverages existing security policies and user groups

Cons of LDAP Authentication:

  • Requires an existing LDAP infrastructure
  • Can be complex to set up and maintain
  • May introduce a single point of failure if the LDAP server is unavailable
  • Can be slower due to additional network requests to the LDAP server

Use Case: LDAP authentication is particularly useful in enterprise environments where a centralised directory service is already in place and there's a need to integrate internal applications with the existing user management system.

Also Read: What Is LDAP and How Does It Work?

Choosing the Right API Authentication Method

Selecting the appropriate API authentication method depends on various factors:

  1. Security Requirements: Think about the sensitive information being accessed and the potential consequences of a security breach.
  2. User Experience: Some methods, like OAuth, provide a smoother user experience for third-party integrations.
  3. Client Type: Different authentication methods may be more suitable for server-to-server communication versus user-facing applications.
  4. Scalability: Consider how well the authentication method will scale as your user base and request volume grow.
  5. Implementation Complexity: Evaluate your team's expertise and the time available for implementation.
  6. Existing Infrastructure: If you already have certain systems in place (e.g., LDAP), it might influence your choice.

Best Practices for API Authentication and authorisation

To ensure the security of your API, consider implementing these best practices:

  1. Use HTTPS: Always use HTTPS to encrypt data in transit, preventing man-in-the-middle attacks.
  2. Implement Rate Limiting: Prevent abuse by limiting the number of requests a client can make in a given timeframe.
  3. Validate and Sanitise Input: Always validate and sanitise user input to prevent injection attacks.
  4. Use Strong Passwords and Key Policies: Enforce strong password policies and regularly rotate API keys.
  5. Implement Proper Error Handling: Avoid revealing sensitive information in error messages.
  6. Keep Authentication and Authorisation Separate: Clearly distinguish between these two processes in your implementation.
  7. Use Short-Lived Tokens: For methods like JWT, use short expiration times and implement refresh token flows.
  8. Implement Logging and Monitoring: Keep detailed logs of authentication attempts and monitor for suspicious activity.
  9. Regularly Update and Patch: Update your libraries and authentication systems with the latest security updates.
  10. Conduct Security Audits: Regularly review and test your authentication and authorisation mechanisms for vulnerabilities.

The Future of API Authentication

As technology evolves, so do the methods and best practices for API authentication. Some emerging trends include:

  1. Biometric Authentication: Incorporating fingerprint, facial recognition, or other biometric factors into API authentication flows.
  2. Zero Trust Architecture: Adopting a ZTNA security model that requires verification from everyone trying to access resources in the network, regardless of their location.
  3. AI and Machine Learning: Using artificial intelligence to detect anomalies in API usage patterns and identify potential security threats.
  4. Decentralised Identity: Exploring blockchain-based solutions for managing digital identities and authentication.
  5. Continuous Authentication: Implementing systems that constantly verify user identity throughout a session, not just at the initial login.


API authentication and authorisation are crucial components of a robust API security strategy. By understanding the various methods available - from basic authentication to more advanced protocols like OAuth 2.0 and JWT - developers can make informed decisions about how to best protect their APIs.

Remember that when it comes to API authentication, there isn't a single approach that works for everyone. The best approach depends on your specific use case, security requirements, and technical constraints. By following best practices and staying informed about emerging trends, you can ensure that your APIs remain secure and reliable.

As InstaSafe, our Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solution addresses the evolving security needs. Our platform provides robust API authentication and authorisation, ensuring that only verified users and devices can access your critical resources.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What's the difference between API Authentication vs authorisation?

Authentication verifies the identity of a user or system. authorisation determines what actions or resources an authenticated entity can access. Authentication comes first, followed by authorisation.

  1. What is API verification?

API verification ensures that an API functions correctly and securely. It involves testing authentication, authorisation, input validation, error handling, and overall API behaviour against specified requirements.

  1. What is the authorisation layer of an API?

The authorisation layer of an API controls access to resources based on authenticated user permissions. It enforces rules determining which actions or data a user can interact with.

  1. When to use JWT vs an API Key?

Use JWTs for stateless authentication and when you need to securely transmit claims. Use API keys for simple authentication scenarios, especially for server-to-server communication or public APIs with rate limiting.

  1. How do you test API authentication?

Test API authentication by sending requests with valid and invalid credentials, checking responses, verifying token handling, testing different auth methods, and assessing security measures like rate limiting and SSL/TLS.

  1. What is the basic authentication used in REST API?

Basic authentication in REST APIs involves sending a base64-encoded username and password in the authorisation header of each request. It's simple but less secure without HTTPS.