InstaSafe Secure Web Gateway

InstaSafe Secure Web Gateway
InstaSafe Secure Web Gateway

InstaSafe Cloud Web Security provides users with a safe and secure Internet access experience, protected from threats and malware. Now IT Security organizations can now instantly create and deploy, without the need for any hardware or software to buy with no maintenance or upgrade.

There are many advantages of InstaSafe Cloud Web Security (CWS). InstaSafe provides your organization with a versatile and flexible Web security platform – enabling you to protect your users anywhere and on any Web-capable device. As a
hosted solution, InstaSafe enables considerable advantages over traditional in-house security solutions:

  • Instant Deployment – connect to the service and you’re immediately up and running.
  • No Upfront Expenditure – no need to purchase capital and no obsolete hardware.
  • Predictable Costs To Suit Any Organization – InstaSafe CWS has
    a subscription fee, instead of upfront costs, making security affordable to organizations of all sizes.
  • Enterprise-Class Security – you gain the benefit of top email and Web security infrastructure thanks to economies of scale.
  • The Experts Work For You – your email traffic is managed 24/7 by Internet security experts and modelled against other networks to detect traffic anomalies.
  • Save Bandwidth And Resources – control access to bandwidth heavy sites and applications such as YouTube which our research has shown to consume 75%-90% of most typical organization’s bandwidth.
  • Strength In Numbers – you gain the shared benefits of being part of
    a larger security community.
  • Zero Administration - No tedious upgrades, no maintenance requirements; you always have the latest and best protection.

InstaSafe Web Security enables comprehensive security yet is simple
and easy to use. Our services target a range of Web-based threats and
security concerns.

InstaSafe Cloud Web Security - Block Diagram

Key Features of InstaSafe Cloud Web Security Includes

  • Mobile Security – InstaSafe Web Security is cloud- based, protection and policies can be applied to your users anywhere and on any device, in
    the office, on the road or at home / on a laptop or workstation.
  • URL Filtering – utilizing a layered approach, the service employs the latest
    range of Web filtering technologies including real-time content analysis and behavioral modelling in conjunction with over 50 constantly updated categories of millions of websites to enable you to control access to related Web content.
  • Anti-Virus & Malware – the service incorporates traditional anti-virus technology, sophisticated dynamic anomaly detection and behavioral modelling systems to protect your organization from viruses, botnets, spyware, browser exploits and other Web 2.0 threats.
  • Application Control – gain control over popular Web 2.0 applications such as Social Networking, Streaming Media and Web-based messaging.
  • Bandwidth Control – manage your Internet bandwidth consumption and control unnecessary or non-business use. With flexible, policy-based control you can place restrictions on specific users or at particular times of day when you need to ensure you are getting the most from your bandwidth.
  • Inbound & Outbound Policy Compliance – actively monitor your
    acceptable use policies and ensure appropriate use of Web resources, block inappropriate conduct and prohibited content which could potentially create legal liability risk and ensure a safe and productive workplace for your employees.
  • Security & Compliance Reporting – access useful and easy to understand reports on your Internet activity and threats. Graphical summaries are provided as well as in-depth reports to help you investigate specific events or user activity. You can run reports by site, category, user, and bandwidth and by
    threat type across a wide range of time periods.
  • Directory Synchronization – InstaSafe provides automated user account directory synchronization to streamline administration and save you time and
    effort. InstaSafe supports all common directory formats including Active Directory and LDAP.
InstaSafe Cloud Web Security Features and Capabilities

Advantages of InstaSafe Cloud Web Security

  • Malware Protection: Malware are the bane of any organisation with the potential to wreak havoc in your infrastructure. InstaSafe CWS works on
    sophisticated algorithms to dynamically detect any anomalies, inspect the files and model traffic over the net to protect your organisation from viruses, botnets, spyware, browser exploits and other advanced threats.
  • Off- Network Protection: With an increase in remote mobile workers accessing from different parts of the globe on open networks, it is imperative to secure the users and devices beyond the network perimeter. Instasafe CWS offers complete security for all users and their devices outside of the perimeter in a simplest and cost effective manner.
  • Compliance Enforcement: Compliance to corporate browsing policy is essential to ensure a productive workforce. With Instasafe CWS, it becomes extremely simple and easy to not just define and enforce content and browsing user policies but also get alerts on non compliance and ability to do forensic compliance analysis.
  • Data Leakage Prevention: Unintentional data leakage of confidential information is the weakest link in an organisation’s security. Instasafe CWS helps you with policies to control sharing of confidential information over the
    network thereby helping you with compliance to data security regulations and policies.

Benefits of InstaSafe Cloud Web Security

  • Plug and Play: Connect to the service in just 5 steps. Instantly up and running
  • No Capex, Only Opex: No upfront investment in expensive or obsolete hardware
  • Predictable Costs: Pay-as-you-grow. InstaSafe CWS is a subscription based service so you exactly know how much to pay and when.
  • Enterprise Class Security: Economies of scale coupled with top class security initiatives irrespective of organization size.
  • Cost Savings: Save on bandwidth by controlling access to heavy sites and applications like Youtube and streaming apps which consume 70% -90% of your bandwidth
  • Zero Administration: No Upgrades. No patches. No maintenance. Just connect and stay updated with the latest at all times
  • Expert Involvement: 24/7 email traffic management by security experts constantly modelled against other networks to detect anamolies.

Customer Testimonial

"InstaSafe Cloud based Web Security is the simplest and most cost effective way to protect my data and devices from digital threats, whether on-network or off" - Satyajit Sarkar, GM IT, DTDC Cargo and Courier